Andrea has recently finished her new collection
Broadcasting which was published (by Gatehouse Press) in April 2013. This book is the result of the Norfolk Commission Award for poetry which Andrea won last year. Since the book focusses on the 1942 requisition of several Norfolk villages for D-Day training, it should interest readers of poetry but also anyone interested in East Anglian or regional history. Should you feel inclined, you can buy
Broadcasting here. In addition, a limited number of signed copies are available at Jarrold’s and the wonderfully eclectic Book Hive. “
Broadcasting is less about remembrance than the way we forget… the slow erasure of local customs, sayings and memories. Just as the bricks and mortar of once-loved homes are taken back by the landscape, “asleep with bramble”; what’s left are glimpses and fragments – the smell of russet apples, the gritty texture of rabbit picked from the bone, the “sweet twirl” of a folk dance – but these only serve to emphasise the sense of absence in these poignant poems (which) reveal the hidden casualties of a war we thought we knew.” –
Bloodaxe poet Esther Morgan.