This event will take place on Zoom. It will begin at 7.30pm. Please book tickets and an Open Mic slot through the Eventbrite link which will appear on our front page about ten days before the date.

Tara Bergin is an Irish poet, born in Dublin. She has published three collections of poetry with Carcanet Press: This is Yarrow, winner of the Seamus Heaney Prize for Poetry; The Tragic Death of Eleanor Marx, which was shortlisted for the T.S. Eliot and Forward Prizes; and most recently Savage Tales, shortlisted for the Pigott Prize for Poetry, and listed as one of the Irish Times ‘best new poetry books of 2022’. Tara now lives in the North of England and teaches part-time in the Creative Writing Programme at Newcastle University.

Sarah Doyle is the Pre-Raphaelite Society’s Poet-in-Residence. Her poetry has been published in journals including Spelt Magazine, Wild Court, Under the Radar, Atrium Poetry, Poetry Birmingham Literary Journal, Mslexia, Finished Creatures, The Alchemy Spoon, Lighthouse Journal and The Lonely Crowd; and in anthologies from publishers such as Broken Sleep, The Emma Press, Paper Swans, Shoreline of Infinity and Places of Poetry. Sarah won 1st prize in the Ver Poets Open Poetry Competition 2023, was highly commended in the Ginkgo Prize for Ecopoetry 2023, and was longlisted in the 2022 National Poetry Competition. She is a former winner of the William Blake Poetry Prize, the Wolverhampton Literature Festival poetry competition and Holland Park Press’s Brexit in Poetry; and has been a runner-up in the Keats-Shelley Poetry Prize and Essay Prize. A pamphlet of poems collaged from fragments of Dorothy Wordsworth’s journals – Something so wild and new in this feeling – was published by V. Press in 2021, and her second pamphlet, (m)othersongs, was released by the same publisher in autumn 2023. Sarah lives in London, and works as a freelance workshop leader, mentor, and poetry critique provider. Website: