This event will begin at 7.30pm. Please book tickets and an open mic slot through the Eventbrite link which will appear on our Home Page 10 days before the date.

Bethany W Pope has won many literary awards and published several novels and collections of poetry. Bethany’s most recent books include, Silage (poetry, Indigo Dreams), Masque (novel, Seren), and The Hungry And The Lost (novel, Parthian). Nicholas Lezard, writing for The Guardian, described Bethany’s latest book as ‘poetry as salvation’…..’This harrowing collection drawn from a youth spent in an orphanage delights in language as a place of private escape.’ Bethany currently lives and works in China.


Holly Bars lives in Leeds. She is currently a mature student and single parent who identifies as working class, disabled and neurodivergent. Her poems have been published in a number of anthologies and magazines, including The Moth; Stand; Ink, Sweat & Tears; and Porridge. She won third prize in The Yaffle Prize 2021, and was awarded a micro-commission for Ilkley Literature Festival 2022. Her debut collection, Dirty, is published by Yaffle.