by admin | Dec 1, 2013 | recent events
Kate Fox has been a regular Poet for Radio 4’s Saturday Live since 2007 and popped up on BBC2’s Daily Politics and Chelsea Flower show coverage as well as at gigs all over the country and Radio 4’s Today programme, Radio 3’s The Verb and many...
by admin | Dec 1, 2013 | recent events
Bobby Parker Bobby born in 1982 and lives in Kidderminster, England. Publications include the critically acclaimed experimental books Ghost Town Music and Comberton, both published by The Knives Forks & Spoons Press. His poetry, artwork and...
by Helen Ivory | Dec 1, 2013 | recent events
Competition Judge Deryn Rees-Jones will announce this year’s winners and will also read from her own work. Deryn Rees-Jones is Professor of Poetry at the University of Liverpool. ‘The Memory Tray’ (Seren, 1995) was shortlisted for the Forward Prize for Best...
by Helen Ivory | Dec 1, 2013 | recent events
Katherine Kilalea was born in South Africa and moved to London in 2005 to study for an M.A. in creative writing at the University of East Anglia. She is the author of One Eye’d Leigh, shortlisted for a Costa Poetry Award and longlisted for the Dylan Thomas...
by admin | Nov 10, 2013 | recent events
’12 Slanted Poems for Christmas’, the new and first anthology from Ink, Sweat & Tears will be launched at The Book Hive on Thursday, December 12, 2013 at 6.30pm With readings from George Szirtes, Julia Webb, Bethany W Pope, Moniza Alvi and Andrea...
by admin | Oct 29, 2013 | recent events
Robert Wrigley was born in East St. Louis, Illinois, and grew up not far away in Collinsville, a coal mining town. In 1971, with a draft lottery number of 66, he was inducted into the U.S. Army. After four months of training and duties, he filed for discharge on the...
by admin | Oct 10, 2013 | recent events
Matthew Welton was born in Nottingham on 3 September 1969, and lives in Nottingham and teaches creative writing at the University of Nottingham. His publications include The Book of Matthew (Carcanet, 2003) and We needed coffee but we’d got ourselves convinced that he...
by admin | Aug 25, 2013 | recent events
George Szirtes is a T S Eliot Prize-winning poet. George was born in Budapest and came to England with his family at the age of eight. He will read from a new collection, Bad Machine, which focuses on the body, poetry emerging from the sudden deaths of his elderly...
by admin | Jul 25, 2013 | recent events
Anne-Marie Fyfe Anne-Marie Fyfe (b. Cushendall, Co. Antrim) has four collections of poetry including Understudies: New and Selected Poems (Seren Books, 2010); has won the Academi Cardiff International Poetry Prize; has run Coffee-House Poetry’s readings and workshops...
by admin | Jun 25, 2013 | recent events
Andrea has recently finished her new collection Broadcasting which was published (by Gatehouse Press) in April 2013. This book is the result of the Norfolk Commission Award for poetry which Andrea won last year. Since the book focusses on the 1942 requisition of...