Ira Lightman and Sarah Passingham – 9th March

Ira Lightman plays with words, the look of them, the sound of them, the dictionary meaning of them, the way that the English language works in comparison with other languages. He also loves to perform, to jump around, whoop, sing and pull faces while adopting strange...

Ron Egatz and Julia Webb – 10th November 2014

Ron Egatz was born in 1966 and lives in Westchester County, New York. He has worked as a freelance graphic designer, IT consultant and commercials director. He runs poetry and fiction workshops with groups and individuals including occasional teaching at Sarah...

Elvis McGonagall – 8th December 2014

Stand-up poet, armchair revolutionary and recumbent rocker, Elvis McGonagall is the sole resident of The Graceland Caravan Park where he scribbles verse whilst drinking scotch, listening to Johnny Cash and throwing heavy objects at his portable telly. Elvis’ sitcom...
Allison McVety and Richard Lambert – 9th June

Allison McVety and Richard Lambert – 9th June

Allison McVety’s poems have appeared in The Times, The Guardian, Poetry Review and Poetry London, have been broadcast on BBC radio and anthologised in the Forward Poems of the Decade 2002-2011 and The Best British Poetry 2013. Her first collection The Night Trotsky...